Coca-Cola Milk? Soda Maker Releases ‘Fairlife,’ Its Own Brand Of Milk, Plus Crazy Pin-Up Campaign! [PHOTOS]

With soda companies expanding their businesses beyond their traditional points - now selling juices and the like - perhaps the biggest one in the world will now be entering yet another market: Coca-Cola milk!

The Coca-Cola Company is among the biggest and most successful in the world - and certainly one of the better-known brands internationally, after over a century in the market. Now, they've chosen to enter a new venture in the food and drinks market, releasing a new brand of Coca-Cola milk.

According to, the Coca-Cola milk won't only be different - it will also be far from cheap. The new product, which the company has called "FairLife," is a twist on old-fashioned dairy, starting with the fact that it's lactose-free, allowing a broader market of consumption.

According to a statement released to the press in the FairLife website, the contents of the Coca-Cola milk are higher in protein and calcium than regular milk, said The Coca-Cola Company Chief Customer Officer Sandy Douglas. It also has 30 percent less sugar than the rest of the milk products you'll see at the supermarket every other day.

According to Business Insider, the release of the Coca-Cola milk is due to the fact that the regular soda market has seen a decrease in the past few years, as many users tend to opt for healthier products. Because of this, large soda companies such as Coca-Cola have chosen to take a dip into different waters, in an attempt to broaden their horizons and increase revenue.

Interestingly enough, the new Coca-Cola milk is going through a very interesting ad campaign to show off the product: milk-based pin-up girls. The company hired the London based photographer Jaroslav Wieczorkiewicz to work on a campaign that features a collection of women in pin-up attire, showing off different dresses made out of milk, remaking scenes as classic as the Marilyn Monroe "Seven Year Itch" dress.

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