Party Foods For Your Holiday Guests, Make Five Simple Appetizers In An Instant

Are you cramming for an appetizer that you will be serving to your guests this holiday? We have some tips of what you could do with ready-made ingredients and making them into instant and simple appetizers your guests would surely love.

First is the crescent rolls and spinach artichoke dip as a store-bough crescent dough would already be enough. According to blogger of Park House Christine Croker, the dough filled with dips would be a really great way to serve an appetizer all-in-one.

For the next appetizer, you would need a vegetable tray, bottled dressing and plastic cups. Recipe developer Kelly Salemi from Live Love Pasta said that pouring scoops of bottled green goddess dressing into the clear plastic cups then topping it off with pre-cut vegetables is a great way to start the festivities. Guests could carry it around the room with no hassle at all.

Another appetizer would only need a puff pastry and prosciutto. According to blogger Emily Stoffel of the Pig anf Quill blog, she uses the puff pastry, which can be found at the freezer aisle, and slabs it with oil, dashes it with cheese, cuts it into strips then twists it with a bit of prosciutto.

Fourth appetizers would need a coat cheese log plus pistachios. You have to grind the pistachios and the thyme says blogger Amanda Paa. Then you have to roll the cheese in it and sprinkle it with pomegranate seeds to make it even tastier. You can actually do this two days before the big event so you won't have to rush anymore.

The last appetizer would require you to have pitas, guacamole and pretzels. This would be great for kids and parents who watch everything their kids take. Laura Powell, the author of Real Mom Kitchen, said that a Christmas-tree shaped pita bread with green guacamole is perfect for the holidays. Basically, you cut the pita into tree shapes then spread the guacamole. Add in the pretzel stick and it's done!

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