London, Turkey Gay Pride Marches: Some of This Year's Controversial International LGBT Parades

Over the weekend, millions of LGBTQ supporters celebrated their fight for gay rights and same-sex marriage. Following the legalization of same-sex marriage in the United States last Friday, rainbow flags were waved in the air across the streets during colorful gay pride parades worldwide.

Buzz Feed News reported that on Saturday in Istanbul, police officers blasted the gay pride parade with tear gas, water guns and rubber bullets.

Although homosexuality is not illegal in Turkey, the gay community was forced to impede the on-going celebration at Taksim Square.

Pop singer Lady Gaga, whose Twitter avatar is splashed with a rainbow filter, ranted on social media about the city government's hashful action.

The famous LGBT supporter tweeted, "Governor! Set an example for people to celebrate both Ramadan and Pride in PEACE, instead of dividing with violence! #OnurYuerueyuesue"

In London, another controversial gay pride parade broke the internet after a CNN reporter freaked out and claimed a black and white ISIS flag has joined the rainbow flags on the streets on Sunday. 

Reported live at the city's Regent Street, correspondent Lucy Pawle told viewers she was wondering why the police are not alarmed with the presence of a suspicious terrorist flag. According to Pawle, "if you look at the flag closely, it's clearly not Arabic." In fact, it looks like it could be gobbledegook. But it's very distinctively the ISIS flag."

"I seem to be the only person who has spotted this, and nobody seems to be raising any questions or pointing it out," she added.

The reporter mistakenly thought of the flag adorned with images of sex toys as one that belonged to the Islamic State terrorist group.

Viewers' reactions flooded Twitter, mentioning @lucypawle that what she reported was in fact a satirical flag with "outlines of sex toys."

Huffington Post reported that CNN took off the video with the hilarious live news report from their website later that day.

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