Facebook Will Improve The Internet Using Sky Lasers

Social Media giant Facebook made a vague announcement about planning for a project that involves the speeding up of the Internet by using laser beams in the sky.

Discovery Tech said that Facebook CEO Mark Zucherberg made a post on his Facebook profile this week saying, his company is considering the use of drones to improve the Internet system. This would mean that everybody would have an access to a cheaper rate but of good quality when it comes to Internet connection. This is looking like a plan that he and his team have since they started Internet.org. Should this become successful; billions of people won't have problems connecting to Internet anymore since it is going to be affordable.

Some are excited about this plan while others are bothers by the fact that Zucherberg plans to create drones in the sky just to make it happen. Others are concern about national security while others are bothered by the fact that those drones could be invading people's privacy. Although those were just meant to produce good connection on the Internet for people who don't have an access to it, still others are thinking that it could lead to a more invasive issue.

This plan has been linked to their project Internet.org that has already started a while back. It is Facebook's goal to have billions of people be connected on the Internet. It figures because the more people are online, the easier the business and the economy of a country will grow. It will all contribute to something that leads to a massive financial progress for both Facebook and the place they are connected with. These are just plans though and the message that the company posted is still something vague and not final.

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