Call of Duty Black Ops 3 Beta Version Available

Loyal Call of Duty fans have much to look forward to with the Beta version of Black Ops 3 that just came out. First, it is playable on the PS4. Second, there are no campaign or zombie modes available on the Beta version and it is a purely multiplayer experience.

Gaming options include:
- Team Deathmatch
- Hardpoint
- Demolition
- Domination
- Kill Confirmed
- Capture the Flag
- Search and Destroy

Players also took to Twitter to get some more insights into the game. David Vonderhaar, design director at Treyarch, answered the many questions but took on a vague stance for the more detailed questions.

For instance, eager players wanted to know if the weapons and maps of Black Ops 2 would be imported to Black Ops 3. Vonderhaar is not leaving out any options but had this say about maps and weapons:

The scorestreak system, which was popularized in Black Ops 2, is in use in this latest iteration too. Basically, a kill, assist, flag capture, and other objectives all add up in a scorestreak. Different rewards can be called in during battle.

Dan Bunting, director at Treyarch, also has this to say about the dark theme that Black Ops 3 will continue to have, "We get to have a lot of fun with the fact that it’s Black Ops and the subject matter is Black Operations because we get to be in the dark underbelly of military operations and that is a fun theme to play with. It plays into our strengths as developers, we like the darker themes, we like living in the gray area, not so black and white or good and bad. That is something that is uniquely Treyarch."

See the gameplay here:

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