3 Doors Down Will Perform at Gallo Center With New Album

The new album of 3 Doors Down entitled "Us and The Night," is already done and scheduled to be released this fall.

The band will perform on Sunday, August 30 at the Gallo Center for the Arts.

In a recent interview, the rock hitmakers frontman, Brad Arnold excitedly related how their new album came about. The original plan was for them to come up with a pop disc that was "more accessible" compared to the one they recorded in 2000 from which hits like "When I'm Gone", "Not My Time" and "Away From the Sun" came from.

However, as it turned out the band found themselves with a collection of songs that was a lot more heavier than anything they've made in a long time.

With the addition of new band members, Arnold says that a different kind of flavor was introduced to some of the songs. Some have taken on a more meaningful and reflective note but not all of the songs are that deep either.

Arnold's excitement over this new album is intense as he relates how they tend to write about what they enjoy playing live and this is what they have done here. Thus, the songs in the album would actually make one nod one's head and stomp one's foot.

Brad Arnold said, "I'm really excited about this record, man," "It really turned out good. I mean, there's some cool songs on that. I was saying to somebody the other day, it's like, I know we put out a lot of albums that had hits on them and songs that people like the stuff, but I really think people are going to enjoy this one because it's got some cool songs on it."

Arnold also credits some of the new sound to the fact that 3 Doors Down has two new members since its last disc, 2011's "Time of My Life."

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