Assassin's Creed Movie Will Affect the Game's Universe

Last week, Fox gave us our first glimpse at Michael Fassbender in the upcoming video game-to-film adaptation of Assassin's Creed.

Assassin's Creed, a wildy popular series of games created by French developer Ubisoft, tells the story of two warring secret societies who vie for control of the world. Central to the franchise's plot is a device called 'The Animus', a machine that allows users to relive the memories of their genetic ancestors.

From last week's reveal, we know that Fassbender will be playing an entirely new character created for the movie named Callum Lynch. Lynch is a descendant of the Assassins, one of the two factions in the series, who will use the Animus to experience the memories of his Spanish ancestor, Aguilar. Using the knowledge gained from the Animus, Lynch will try to battle the Assassins' sworn enemies 'The Templars', in the present day.

Following this big unveiling, A recent Q & A on Twitter has shed even more light on the upcoming film. Assassins Creed's head of content Azaizia Aymar confirmed that the events in the film will affect those in any future games or related media and vice-versa.

Aymar says that though the film's main cast is composed of new characters, some 'familiar faces' may make an appearance in the film.

Aymar also mentions in the Q&A that Lynch will be a very different protagonist from the video games' leading men.

To see Fassbender don the famous Assassin's hood and hidden blades, you'll have to wait until December 2016.

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