Chocolatier Jacques Torres Planning to Create a Large Chocolate Factory in Brooklyn

Everyone loves chocolate right? Well at least most of us enjoy indulging in the treat for dessert or when we are on vacation. Brooklyn, New York is currently experiencing an increase in chocolate production. When tourists visit the big apple they often visit one of its most popular cities, Brooklyn. The city has an abundance of wonderful food due to its history and diversity. According to the Specialty Food publication, Brooklyn has become the most important chocolate manufacturing region west of Belgium. Jacques Torres, plans to create a large chocolate factory in the Brooklyn Army Terminal. The publication believes this is the cities chance to dominate the chocolate industry.

If the factory is built it will be great for the cities business and it will create jobs for people in the area; plus who does not like chocolate? Europe has dominated the chocolate industry for years; it would be nice for America to gain some notoriety in that department. The site also exclaimed the factory would be well equipped with a 70 foot tunnel, a chocolate powder room and a 5-ton melter. This new addition to the city will be a wonderful tourist attraction and business venture. Torres believes the factory shall take six or seven months to be established which means it will open around September! The thoughts that come to mind are centralized around a modern day Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory; it would be something the whole family could enjoy. Another thought that comes to mind is what kind of chocolate they will be selling to their consumers. Will it be gourmet? Will it be reasonably priced like Hershey's or Nestle? Who knows but whatever Jacques Torres decides to do with his newest adventure should be amazing. Brooklyn residents have something to look forward to this fall.

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