Obese Dog From Eating Fast Food Is Now On A Diet

Just like humans, dogs and other pets could also get obese if they don't have the proper diet and exercise, that they should get in their daily lives.

It is the issue of a dachshund named Vincent, who weighs almost 40 pounds. According to Kron 4, his new owners adopted him from an animal shelter based in Houston. They are suspecting that he was fed with fast food by his previous owners, which gave him his weight problem.

Veterinarians say that for his age of 7, he actually weighs twice more than a normal dachshund should.

It turns out that his cholesterol went high and he is at risk of experiencing some nerve problems because of his obesity. His owner Melissa Anderson, has made him participate doing water aerobics about 5 days a week, as per CNN's report.

He is basically doing almost everything that people who join the hit reality TV show, The Biggest Loser, does except of course, lifting gym barbells and other stuff that only people with two hands could do. Nevertheless, he has recently been active doing a lot of jogging and playing in the backyard.

WSBTV said that Vincent was actually struggling with his health when he was rescued. He didn't look good at all that when Anderson tried to walk him, someone even accused her of animal cruelty, when it's the complete opposite of what she is doing.

Since the dog went into a strict diet and exercise, lots of positive changes have been observed on a drastic level. During her interview with CNN, she said that she wasn't entirely sure of what her dog used to eat from his previous owner but it's looking like it was all fast food. She noticed that Vincent was even detoxing on the first week that he was staying with her.

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