Old Spice Wolfdog, Can It Compete With Provocative AXE?

Old Spice introduces its "Wolfdog", in its newest commercial for the company's Wild Collection.

The commercial was placed onto YouTube 5 days ago and since then has accumulated almost 2 million hits. The first shot is a building in Ohio which leads into a wolf sitting behind a desk.

"Hi, I am Mr. Wolfdog, Old Spice was looking for someone to market their new Wild Collection of scents, someone from the wild and I guess that's me, Director Wolfdog, new executive director of marketing. Did you notice I have these cliché men of business decorations?" said Wolfdog.

Old Spice looks as if the company is attempting to attract a younger demographic to its products. For years, the company was frequently associated with older men. The company's Facebook back page contains the body of a man in a suit; he is holding a container of Old Spice in his left hand. The man's right hand is a paw; the slogan reads "ANSWER THE SMELL OF THE WILD". Facebook fans seem to be in favor of the new campaign. One person commented, "I love wolfdog! I bought Old Spice just so I can support the guys that came up with this marketing campaign and because it smells good!" Another said, "This stuff smells great. I only use Old Spice body soap."

Old Spice appears to be keeping its classic image; while trying to add different characters to its campaign in order to keep older and newer generations satisfied. Old Spice also has to compete with other deodorant brands like AXE. AXE has a large consumer base that consists of younger men. This could be because the deodorant brand often incorporates sex appeal into its commercials.

One of its latest commercials is on YouTube. The commercial begins with a camera shot going into a bedroom. On the doorknob hangs a pair of red underwear. On the bedroom carpet lays another pair of red underwear. The shot continues to move upwards a few steps; viewers see what looks to be an astronaut's suit on one of the steps. A beautiful girl lies in bed and appears to not have any clothing on. The shot moves towards a young man showering and finally ends with a clip of the front yard; a voice over says, "New AXE body washes, shower like a hero."

Old Spice's new Wolfdog seems to be getting a lot of social media attention. The character appears popular among its Facebook following. Below are the commercials for both brands.

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