New Mobile App Prevents Seasickness and Motion Sickness

Researchers has revealed that they are developing a new mobile phone app which can help people who are suffering from seasickness and other forms of nausea. The new app or device, which uses a little amount of electricity by the use of a headphone jack will soon be available a few years from now.

The new device will help the travelers stop their problems concerning seasickness and biliousness. Researchers who published their study in Neurology have established a solution to prevent motion sickness by delivering a "shock" to the brain.

Qadeer Arshad from Imperial College of London stated the idea behind their ongoing study.

"It may be something like a machine that is used for back pain. We hope it might even integrate with a mobile phone, which would be able to deliver the small amount of electricity required via the headphone jack," Qadeer said.

The study was conducted by asking a number of volunteers to wear electrodes on their heads for about 10 minutes. After that, they were asked to ride on a machine-operated rotating chair. The chair rotates and tilts just like what people experience when riding a boat or a roller coaster.

After the activity, volunteers stated that they fell less nauseous and claimed that their recovery is faster than the conventional.

Motion sickness has remained a mystery to the health professionals. Until now, they still cannot identify its main causes. According to the medical website WebMD, motion sickness is caused by an awkward balance-sensing system in a person's body. This include the eyes, inner ear and sensory nerves.

Headache, nausea and vomiting will then be experienced by an individual if the system becomes aware that the body is in motion while the other parts of the body is not. In the course of time, the motion sickness will stop when imbalance motion also stops.

Statistics says that three out of ten people are suffering from motion sickness manifestations like nausea, dizziness, cold sweats and others.

Qadeer Arshad said that the device or the mobile app will be available five to ten years from now.

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