September is Suicide Prevention Month

September is National Suicide Prevention Awareness month and it is an important to realize the causes and the stigma associated with the trend. 

As reported in the Hoops News, there are almost 100 people committing suicide.  This statistics is already alarming in itself however this only includes those who actually died, not counting those who attempted.  Moreover, there also those who may not have attempted the act but have already considered doing it.

Suicide is the 10 most common cause of death in the United States according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).  It has even surpassed murder/homicide as it only ranked 16th as one of the leading causes of death in the country.

In effort to raise awareness, bases military-wide are taking part in the prevention campaigns.  Military members at Naval Support Activity City are encouraged to get involved and reach out to their fellow shipmates.  The Navy's slogan this year is #onesmallact as reported in WJHG.  Chaplain Jennifer Howe hopes that the campaign will decrease the stigma surrounding mental health problem.

"I think as a Navy, we've made a lot of progress but I think there's still progress to be made in embarrassing the taboo and the stigma that comes with suicide. I think the Navy is doing a pretty good job with that", she said.  She added that there has been a decrease of suicide incidents in the military.  Anyone on base is encouraged to reach out to a shipmate, a counsellor or a Chaplain if they are seeking help.

In another move to save more lives from suicide is the construction of a suicide barrier in the Golden Gate Bridge.  The said bridge has become the single most frequently used suicide spot in the United States and second used site in the world with nearly 1,600 people to have died from jumping off the bridge as Huffington Post reported.  The board of directors has approved the construction costing 76 million worth of steel net to prevent future deaths. 

American Association of Suicidology urges everyone to be a part of the week-long awareness culminating on September 10.  Here are ways to join the Suicide Prevention Week:

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