Jon Watts Talks About The New 'Spider-Man' Movie! Will Miles Morales Make An Appearance?

It looks like the director of the 'Spider-Man' reboot has confirmed Miles Morales' appearance in the film without officially confirming anything.

Jon Watts, who was recently announced to be the director of the new 'Spider-Man' movie, spoke to Yahoo! about the highly anticipated film. The 'Cop Car' helmer was asked whether the bi-racial Spider-Man from the Marvel comic book will appear alongside Tom Holland's Peter Parker, and Watts had a rather promising non-answer.

"I can't talk about that, because, you know, that will reveal too much," Watts said.

Then he added, "We're still writing the story...we haven't finished all the way through the story yet, so who knows."

The open-ended response sounded like there could be plans to bring Miles Morales out of the comic book and straight into the big screen.

This isn't the first time that there have been talks of Miles Morales being featured in the new 'Spider-Man' reboot. When word came out that Sony was planning to release yet another film about the Marvel webslinger without Andrew Garfield, fans immediately started speculating that the new 'Spider-Man' movie will be about the half-black, half-Puerto Rican superhero.

However, the rumors were crushed by the announcement that Tom Holland has been chosen to be the new Peter Parker, who will also appear in 'Captain America: Civil War.'

Although fans were initially skeptical about the casting of Tom Holland as Spider-Man, Jon Watts only has great things to say about the 19-year-old British actor.

"He's sweet, but he seems like he'd be really morally grounded and he can be a little dorky when you need him to," Watts said of Tom Holland. "Also, he was in 'Billy Elliot' in the West End, so he can actually just do a backflip. He's already a lot closer to being Spider-Man than you think."

The new 'Spider-Man' reboot is scheduled for release on July 28, 2017.

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