NYCC 2015: Weta Workshop's Stunning Bust Of Smaug From 'The Hobbit' Sold Out In Minutes! Find Out How To Get One! [PHOTOS+VIDEO]

The recent New York Comic-Con featured several new goodies for just about every fandom, but among all the interesting toys and gadgets that were presented at the convention, there was one that was heads and horns above all others.

According to io9, design studio Weta Workshop unveiled the stunning Bust of Smaug at NYCC, and the dragon from 'The Hobbit' was almost instantly sold out. But there is no need to worry. Smaug the Terrible - Bust Edition is still available for pre-order in Weta Workshop's website.

There was good reason for the Bust of Smaug to be such a bestseller. In addition to being the official bust of the dragon that terrorized the dwarves of Erebor in the 'Hobbit' film series, each statue was painstakingly painted by hand.

But just how difficult was it to produce such a beautiful bust? Weta Workshop's Mike Gonzales explained that it is "a combination of the digital model from the film being designed and posed by Andrew Baker, and our physical sculptor Sam Gao performing detail work to create a mountable bust."

'The Hobbit' fans don't need to worry about missing out on Smaug the Terrible's bust. Mike Gonzales also confirmed that Weta Workshop will be making the statues in batches but they will keep working on them "to make sure fans could get their hands on these big beauties down the road."

The Bust of Smaug is 14.2" x 18.1" x 9.4" (H x W x D) and weighs 23.1 lbs. It can also be mounted on a wall by loosening the bolt and turning the head 180 degrees on its base before fastening the bolt in place. The statue shows all the tiny details of the dragon, including a missing horn.

Wait, why the missing horn? According to the Weta website, it is part of the details. "Smaug the Terrible is supposed to have a horn on either side of his head missing from a battle long ago. Being a dragon is hard work," the website noted.

Smaug the Terrible - Bust Edition can be yours for $399.99. The statues will be shipped out by December or January.

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