New Ghostbusters with Kristen Wiig, Bill Murray Makes a Cameo Appearance in 2016

Thirty years ago, the world witnessed a film that would change the way we think about Science Fiction. The Sci-Fi comedy "Ghostbusters" is now part of today's pop culture. Dan Akroyd and Ivan Reitman discusses the then and now.

Ghostbusters was originally Dan Akroyd's baby. Akroyd, Ivan Reitman and the late Harold Remis spent 3 weeks in a vacation home working on the script using an electric typewriter. The script gave birth to a cast including Bill Murray and Rick Moranis that added some humorous spice to the film.

It was a hit in 1984 and it spurred cartoons and a toy franchise.

Now, at a time when women are beginning to show feministic powers in the office and on film, they felt it was time to show the world a different take on Ghostbusters. Reitman says, it was time to get fresh blood.

A New Ghostbusters movie will feature Leslie Jones, Kristen Wiig, Melissa McCarthy and Kate McKinnon.

The reboot will feature an all-female cast in 2016 by Paul Feig and will make viewers remenisce and revive the beauty of ectoplasm and proton packs. Feig's idea of a shift in gender was a smart and fresh idea that Akroyd felt that the old cast shouldn't be in it - but of course when Feig asked for help, Akroyd was willing to help in any way that he can, EW reports.

Bill Murray however will make a cameo appearance after Reitman pursuaded him to show up. Akroyd and the rest of the gang promises it will be a funnier movie. Although there were negative reactions to the reboot plus change in the team's gender which really was painful for Kristen Wiig, Reitman acknowledged the fact that reviving a classic means there are risks and apparently haters. No matter, Reitman believes it's going to be a wonderful film because of the female cast involved.

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