Kylie Jenner Called a Female Paparazzo a 'B*tch', Fans Weren't Impressed.

Kylie Jenner got bashed by her fans and netizens by calling a female paparazzo a 'b*tch'.

Some people knows and loved the 18 year-old because of her #IAmMoreThan that encouraged women at any age to be who they really are, to be confident of what they do and what they are and to love and accept their selves more than anyone could.

But after posting a snapchat video of her taking a video of a female paparazzo while annoyingly saying "No woman should be a paparazzi, this woman is such a b*tch.. Like what are you doing with your life, girl" people over the internet got furious, stating that Kylie Jenner is sexist and mean.

Kylie Jenner lived a life under a spotlight. The celebrity had been dealing with paparazzi her whole teenage life, usually she could deal with them pretty good, no hustle or issues or anything. But recently, when she saw this female paparazzo and said what she said on snapchat, fans weren't very impressed with what she did and bashed her through social media.

With what she did, it had lead people to assume that she might have already encountered with the paparazzo and might have a misunderstanding with her. But as what people on the internet have said, if the two ever had a misunderstanding, it's still not acceptable to be sexist and to say mean things to someone who's only trying to make a living.

People reacted on twitter disagreeing with what she said and mocking her saying that she had a website dealing with bullied people and yet she calls a woman a "b*tch" for being a paparazzi.

Tweets from people all over twitter:                                                                            

Rowan -- @rowanblofeld: Kylie Jenner about a female paparazzi "what a b*tch, what is she doing with her life" Um trying to make money And also promoting u so STFU"

 -- @arantzasu: @KylieJenner u claim to stand up for bullying but u called a woman a bitch for being a paparazzi, that's her hustle. Everyone isn't rich.

r -- @notreeba: when kylie jenner insults a woman for being part of the paparazzi yet posts paparazzi photos of herself on her instagram... girl bye

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