Ariana Grande Inspired by Duchess Catherine of Britain, Now She Wants Her Scuba License Too!

Ariana Grande has been well known for loving and doing all things quirky and fun - including Halloween, hair bows, dolphins, polka dots and British accents.

And speaking of British accent, her recent life goal is inspired by none other than Britain's Duchess Catherine, a.k.a Kate Middleton - and that is to have her very own Scuba diving license!

The 22-year-old pop star seems to want a career outside her usual music gigs. She admitted to have plans in training to become a professional diver (although not anytime soon) and explore the deep blue sea on independently after she learned that Duchess Catherine had a scuba diving license.

In her interview with Rickie, Melvin and Charlie on KISS FM, the 'Focus' hit maker said: ''I have goals. I'd love to get my scuba diving license at some point.''

She also talked about other goals such as writing her own book containing her journey with life's ups and downs as she believes that it would greatly helped her followers reading about her past experiences and the lessons she have learned along the way.

''I'd like to write a book. I'm only 22 but I'd write about my experiences thus far and just feelings," Ari explains, ''I like putting my words out there because I feel like they make my fans feel like they're not alone and we're going through things together.''

Ariana is really a fire ball of confidence as she encourages everyone to be daring and explore outside their shell, regardless of what you do.

''We're all different, so I think, 'Do whatever the hell you want!' Everyone should be able to express themselves with hair, make-up, fashion, art music, and it should all be accepted - and celebrated.''

She's definitely living her life YOLO! And places high value on making the moment count, believing on yourself as she have written in her blog,

"Don't ever doubt yourselves or waste a second of your life. It's too short, and you're too special."

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