Singapore Airlines and Lufthansa Collaborate on Key Routes Between Singapore and Europe

The airline company - Singapore Airlines and the largest airline company in Europe - Lufthansa, have signed a wide-ranging cooperation that will see the two airlines working toward the same end on key routes between Singapore and Europe.

Singapore Airlines and Lufthansa will be operating under revenue-sharing arrangements - the flights between Singapore, Frankfurt and Munich in Germany, and also the flights between Zurich and Singapore.

As the two major airline companies announced on Wednesday, the new SIA-operated flights between Singapore and Düsseldorf, Germany, which will be commenced in July, will also be dealing with such arrangements.

The two airline companies also have the intention to cooperate in key markets such as Europe, Southeast Asia as well as Australia, and organizing schedules to make more convenient flight connections available for customers between route networks.

Also available in the pipeline, are joint fare promotions and aligning corporate programmes to make the proposition stronger to corporate customers and exploring enhancements to existing regular traveler's programme ties.

In addition to Singapore Airlines and Lufthansa agreement, it includes Singapore Airlines subsidiary SilkAir and the subsidiaries of Lufthansa - Austrian Airlines and Swiss.

The expanded codeshare ties will cater Singapore Airlines clients with convenient access to and from points in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Belgium, via the transfer hubs of Zurich, Munich and Frankfurt.

Goh Choon Phong - Singapore Airlines chief executive, said that the extensive partnership will provide remarkable benefits for consumers.

Goh Choon Phong stated, "This is yet another illustration of how partnerships can have an outcome in more for our customers, as we can jointly provide advantages that we would otherwise not be able to provide on our own."

And Lufthansa's chief executive - Carsten Spohr, said, "By working even closer jointly, we can now both provide customers even better connections and even better services."

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