How Can I Sleep Better?

Young girl and her fluffy cat eating at night
(Photo : depositphotos)

With the hectic pace of life increasing and the average to-do list filling up, the last thing many of us want to worry about is not getting enough sleep. The reality is that the vast majority of people do not sleep well or long enough. The average adult should get between seven and eight hours of sleep per night. Those who fall short of the mark run the risk of feeling tired, groggy, and irritable the next day.

Children need to sleep more hours than adults. For example, school-age children should sleep between 9 and 10 hours per night.

Why do so many people fall short of getting a proper night’s sleep? There are a number of common problems that interfere with sleep quality.

Sleep Patterns

Some people have trouble falling asleep at night. They may crawl into bed hoping to fall asleep soon, but instead lie awake and struggle to fall into a deep sleep. Other people have no problem falling asleep but may wake up in the middle of the night. This disrupts any chance of healthy sleep patterns and reduces the amount of restful sleep they get. Some try to cope with sleep issues in unhealthy ways, such as prescriptions or recreational drugs, or alcohol. Fortunately, there are healthier ways to handle sleep issues.

When to Exercise

Some people like to exercise in the evening. Perhaps it is too hot to work out earlier in the day, or maybe they want the extra sleep in the morning. There's nothing wrong with that, however, exercise should be avoided during the last few hours before going to bed. Exercise raises adrenaline levels, making it harder for the brain to shut down at bedtime. Therefore, try to schedule your workout a bit earlier, maybe after work and before dinner. That way you don’t run the risk of raising your energy levels before you need to fall asleep.

What About Supplements?

Health supplements can help you fall asleep. For example, CBD capsules have been promoted as a way to treat pain, anxiety, and sleep issues. CBD may be the right choice for helping you get to sleep. It is suggested to meet with a trained medical professional before taking any health supplements to make sure this is not going to interact with medications or lead to negative side effects. This is not medical advice.*

Sleep and Health

Other tips that many find useful are to avoid caffeine in the afternoon and cut down on screen time right before bed. Adopting a well-rounded approach to sleep can help you find the right solution to having a more balanced sleep cycle. Once you have identified what helps you sleep better, you can fall asleep faster at night, stay asleep longer, and feel rested the next day. There are numerous benefits to improving sleep quality including increased focus, deeper concentration, increased energy levels, and a better sense of overall well-being. All of these factors can improve your quality of life.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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