During this time of year, our food tables will soon be filled with delicious dishes. As a result, this is also the season when most people gain a few pounds. As expected, the next thing most people are planning to do is to shed those pounds off by dieting. However, there are also diet myths that you need to look into to make sure you are doing things right. Here are several diet busted diet myths you need to take note of to give you some proper guidance.
Myth #1: Vegan Diet Provide Insufficient Amount of Protein

Vegan diets have gained popularity in recent years, especially during this pandemic period. Aside from the nutritional benefits, many believe that this diet can also help them eliminate excess weight. However, a myth revolving around this diet says that it does not provide a sufficient amount of the protein an individual needs.
But according to SERC Berkley, this concern is mostly misplaced. There are plenty of plant-based foods, including soybeans, chia and hemp seeds, spinach, and quinoa are complete protein sources.
Myth #2: Nighttime Eating Will Make You Gain More Weight
Many people are concerned about gaining weight when eating at a later time than usual. However, in reality, what you eat is much more vital than when you eat. According to Health Line, some researchers hypothesize eating at night goes against the circadian rhythm. However, most studies were done on animals, and not all studies in humans support this notion.
Myth #3: Chicken Meat is a Healthier Option

Like beef and lamb, red meat has become unpopular in recent years because of its association with heart disease. However, a group of Science experts determined that both red and white meat prompted higher blood cholesterol levels than diets containing an equivalent amount of plant protein.
Myth #4: Humans Are Predisposed To Eat Meat
There had been claims going around that humans were designed to eat meat, and it's in our genes that we need meat to get all the right nutrients.
However, according to Editor-in-Chief of The American Journal of Cardiology, Dr. William C. Roberts, while it is true that most of us behave like omnivores in that we eat flesh and vegetables and fruits, we have characteristics of herbivores and not carnivores.
Myth #5: Calcium Can Only Be Found in Cow's Milk

Maybe you are one of the countless people who believed at some point that calcium could only be found in cow's milk. However, it is true that for many years dairy has been the primary source of milk; it is not entirely true that the only source is cows.
Surprisingly, calcium is also found in various plant foods, from leafy vegetables to nuts, and you don't need cow's milk to meet your needs. In addition, relying on dairy for calcium comes with baggage.
Increased risk for chronic diseases, exposure to antibiotics and hormones, lactose intolerance, increased inflammation, and high saturated fat intake are just a few of them. The purpose of cow's milk is to turn a 65-pound calf into a 400-pound cow. Unless you are a calf, you can skip cow's milk to get your required dose of calcium.
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