Just as you thought you had tried everything and anything to shed off the excess weight, there is one more surprising option that comes. Dark roast coffee is seen as an effective weight reduction, research in PubMed said.
Trainer and Nutritionist Reda Elmardi echoes this by saying that there is a relevant relation between dark roast coffee and weight loss.
What is Dark Roast Coffee?
According to Solo Espresso, it is one of the most preferred coffee types, with 833 Americans out of 1,983 respondents opting for it in a survey conducted in 2017.
It is described as the darkest and shiniest coffee bean producing a full-flavored, stout, bitter, and less acidic coffee. To achieve the dark roast coffee, beans must be roasted until the second crack with a temperature of about 240 to 250 degrees Celsius.

Dark roast coffee is often referred to as French roast, Italian roast, European roast, Espresso, Continental Roast, New Orleans, Vienna roast, and Full City.
Dark Roast Coffee For Weight Loss
In a study conducted on the effects of dark roast coffee vs. light roast coffee on weight loss, selected participants were given either dark roast or light to consume daily for the next four weeks. The results revealed that participants who regularly drank dark roast coffee had significant weight loss.
The secret to this weight loss effect is the abundance of N-methylpyridinium ions found in dark roast coffee. N-methylpyridinium only forms during the roasting process and is a degradation product of trigonelline. As a result of the longer roasting process to achieve dark roast coffee, an abundant supply of N-methylpyridinium ions is produced.
Other Benefits of Dark Roast Coffee
Aside from the weight loss effect, studies also revealed that dark roast coffee is also useful in Vitamins E, red blood cells, and glutathione restoration. Both Vitamin E and glutathione are excellent antioxidants that are good for your body.
These antioxidants are the ones that aid your body in fighting off free radicals.Dark roast coffee is also good for your brain. It is an excellent caffeine source linked to a reduced risk of Alzheimer's disease, dementia, and cognitive impairment.
It can also help reduce your risk of liver cirrhosis or liver's scarring and reduce your risk of liver cancer by up to 40 percent. Furthermore, dark roast coffee is stomach-friendly, unlike any other types of roast coffees. It means that it helps your stomach secrete less gastric juices when consumed.
Meanwhile, other kinds of roasts force the stomach to produce more gastric juices, resulting in irritable bowel syndrome and other digestive issues. Also, dark roast coffee is less acidic compared to other roasts.
The pH calibration extends from 0 to 14, with a score of below 7 registering as acidic and above 7 as basic. Studies showed that light roast coffee registers at a 4.89 pH level, while dark roast coffee has a pH level of 5.96.