Diving into a diet is never late for everyone. All you need is the right one that will not strain your body during the process. Famous diets like the keto diet and low-fat vegan diet are usually the go-to diet trends people try because they people in the social media post their progress that people think its ideal for weight loss.
More and more people are getting on a diet to live that New Year's resolution, and because of the binge eating the pandemic caused, the people are very concerned about getting back on their ideal weight.
But before diving into the keto diet, which rings the fame among diet trends, a new study suggests that a low-fat vegan diet works better when weight loss is taken into account.
Low-Fat Vegan Diet vs. Keto Diet
According to Medical News Today, the ketogenic diet or keto restricts carbohydrates' consumption and forces fats to fuel our energy. They add that the process of consuming fats for energy is called ketosis.
On the other hand, a low-fat vegan diet focuses on eating whole plant foods like whole grains, nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables, avoiding all animal products also refined oils, sugars, and grains, according to Today's Dietitian.
Read also: Are You on a Keto Diet? Here are the Drinks Suitable for You!
Insider reports that researchers from the US National Institutes of Health (NIH), a low-fat diet may lead to more weight loss while the keto diet is better for managing blood sugar. The lead author of the study and NIH Senior Investigator, Dr. Kevin Hall, shares with Insider that the key to the study is to help people comprehend what nutrients may trigger hunger and weight gain.
Dr. Hall notes in Yahoo! News that the study is not navigated to determine which diet is better than one another. Still, it is designed to test the biological aspect of regulating the appetite among people when they are actively trying to change their body weight.
Low-fat Vegan Diet and Calorie intake
In a release by NIH, the researcher points out that they housed 20 adults without Diabetes that will prove which diet is better for weight by splitting the group of participants in two and will be assigned the diet they will undergo.
The researchers share that the people who undergo a low-fat diet ate 550-700 fewer calories per day than those who undergo a low carb diet. Participants did not raise any concern about hunger and enjoyment of meals.
Yahoo! News shares that the data the researchers were able to gather shows that the low-fat vegan diet can help people lose weight more and burn body fat, whereas the Keto diet, although high in fat, was better for managing insulin and blood sugar.
This only means that both diets have positive responses within our body and help an individual have better health.
If you are trying to lose weight this 2021, you might consider taking a low-fat vegan diet with this data from NIH.
However, if you want to manage your blood sugar to avoid certain diseases, you might dive into the keto diet as their data shows that it regulates blood sugar despite the fat contents you will consume. But to be certain, it is better to consult your doctor or dietitian before diving into a diet to avoid health risks in the long run.
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