We often hear from some experts to stay away or avoid consuming some food items that were tagged as "bad" foods. But what if someone also told you that these alleged bad foods could do you some good too? You may be confused, but to enlighten you, here are several "bad" foods that can also give you beneficial health benefits.
1. Cereal

There are tons of breakfast options, but cereals are often tagged as a bad choice since they contain tons of sugar and are highly processed. However, according to Healthline, some brands or DIY recipes can be good for you. Kristen F. Gradney, MHA, RDN, LDN, Spokesperson for Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, said some cereals are fortified with 100 percent of the daily value of many vitamins and minerals we need.
2. Eggs

Eggs have been blamed for increasing cholesterol levels for many years. However, a rise in dietary cholesterol does not always translate to an increase in blood cholesterol in most people. That is where the misunderstanding with eggs comes in. On the contrary, eggs are packed with essential nutrients like protein, healthy fats, calcium, and choline that help the brain function.
3. Dark Chocolate

Often, when people hear chocolate, it is associated with something sweet, which can be bad for you when overconsumed. However, dark chocolates present health benefits that not many are familiar with. According to BioMed Central, dark chocolate has more antioxidant activity than blueberries, cranberries, and other fruit berries. It means that they help lower blood pressure and may help prevent diabetes. Also, they are rich in iron, magnesium, and other essential minerals.
4. White and Red Wine

Everybody knows that alcohol consumption needs to be dealt with caution since excessive amounts can lead to many diseases. However, white and red wine can offer you something different. For starters, red wine has high levels of antioxidants that can fight inflammation and prevent heart disease.
In addition, a study revealed that moderate consumption of alcohol, including white wine, can protect you against premature death from all causes, including cancer and heart disease.
5. Coffee

Coffee is also another food choice that is often blamed or associated with developing cancer, heart diseases, and stunted growth. However, a recent study revealed that black coffee could add years to your life and can also aid in weight loss. Additionally, caffeine can protect you against age-related memory problems.
6. Canned Veggies

Many stay away from anything canned for the assumption that it is unhealthy. That may not always be true, especially with canned vegetables. Contrary to many beliefs, canned vegetables often present the same nutrients as fresh ones. There are canned vegetables that are better than fresh veggies like tomatoes and sweet corn in some cases.
7. Avocados

Another victim of high-fat content misconception is avocados. Many people were made to believe that avocados are high in fat, which is bad. However, that fat content is mostly monounsaturated fat, which is good for you. This type of fat can lower bad cholesterol and fight heart disease.