Individuals frequently share their viewpoints regarding which foods to eat or avoid, particularly for those attempting to lose weight or maintain a healthy lifestyle, on the grounds that such advice has proven effective for others. But, this does not guarantee that it will be effective for everyone since it does not have a scientific basis or explanation. That is why experts debunk these five biggest food myths.

1. Eating Once a Day is Good to Lose Weight
Trendy regimens such as "intermittent fasting" and consuming an entire day's caloric intake at a single large meal can lead to transient weight loss. On the other hand, your weight loss will eventually come to a standstill, and it may even reverse itself. In addition, it may make you feel more fatigued, making it more difficult to maintain in the long run. Your body may go into starvation mode if it is unsure when it can anticipate its next meal, which implies that it will start saving calories in preparation for the approaching hunger. Rather, you should try eating more frequently but in smaller, healthier meals to supply your metabolism with the required nutrients.
2. A Juice Cleanse Will Help You Lose Weight For Good
You may be surprised that juice cleanses are less beneficial to your body than you might assume. It is because you are only receiving a few particular nutrients. As stated, even though a juice cleanse can deliver a high level of vitamins, your body still requires a more balanced intake of whole grains, protein, and healthy fats in addition to the fruits and vegetables provided by the cleansing. Although attaining rapid weight loss may not be possible with a balanced diet, it will assist you in forming healthy eating patterns that are favorable to sustainable weight loss.
3. You Have to Stop Eating at a Certain Time at Night to Lose Weight
Since your body does slow down at night, digestion of heavy food in the evening may take a little longer than during the day. However, to reduce weight, you do not have to abstain from food altogether after 6 or 7 p.m. If you're hungry, the best way to sate your hunger is to have a few light snacks that are high in nutrition and based on what you're seeking. For instance, eating a handful of nuts could satisfy your need for salt while simultaneously ending your hunger. To put it another way, while it is advisable to watch your food intake, it is not necessary to retire to bed famished.
4. All Fat is Bad
According to Nadia Nunes Cavalcante Parr, MD, an internal medicine physician at Scripps Coastal Medical Center Encinitas, fats can be beneficial or unhealthy for humans. Consumption of some, in moderation, is useful to cardiovascular health. As mentioned, limiting the consumption of harmful fats, including saturated and trans fats, is recommended. In addition, butter, cheese, red meat, and other foods derived from animals can all be sources of saturated fat. In contrast, animal products, the yolks of eggs, and high-fat dairy products like full-fat yogurt and cheeses are all good sources of trans fats.
Moreover, monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats are considered healthier alternatives to saturated fats when consumed in moderation. These two types of fat should comprise the bulk of your diet's fat. Fatty fish, vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, whole olives, and avocados are all sources of these compounds. Thus, consuming a diet rich in healthy fats has been shown to lower blood cholesterol levels, as well as the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and stroke. These fats are essential for creating energy, hormones, the proper function of cells, and the absorption of nutrients.
5. Calories In, Calories Out Is All That Matters
It is a popular phrase for those trying to lose weight. Still, Abbey Sharp, RD, a registered dietitian in Toronto and the author of The Mindful Glow Cookbook, points out that diet quality affects both your ability to lose weight and your health. As mentioned, research has demonstrated that it is possible to experience temporary weight loss while adhering to a low-fat or low-carb diet, provided that the food quality is of a high standard.
Related Article: Dietitians Debunk 5 Worst Diet Myths That Are Ruining Your Health
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