Ice Cream Making Poké Ball
Pokémaniacs, gather 'round! Takara Tomy is about to drop a mad fun kitchen gadget. Introducing the Poké Ball Yo-Yo Ice Cream Maker. It's a fusion of your favorite childhood pleasures - Pokémon, frozen treats, and good old-fashioned yo-yoing!
Gotta Churn 'Em All
Here's how it works: load up the Poké Ball with your dairy ice cream base, add some salt and ice cold water, and let the spinny yo-yo magic commence as you churn your milk using your Poké Ball! Three minutes of vigorous spinning later and you should have a delicious icy treat, courtesy of your sweet yo-yo skills. It comes in the classic red and white Poké Ball variety or a sleek purple Master Ball design if you feel you've made your way through the Pokémon arena circuit.

Level Up Your Frozen Dessert Game
At around $17.30, this collectible is a steal for anyone looking to add a touch of otaku to their kitchen pocket monster hunts. Dropping in Japan on April 25th, the Poké Ball Yo-Yo Ice Cream Maker is sure to be a hit with anime fans and yo-yo enthusiasts alike. So get ready to spin your way to frosty perfection! TIP: For you die-hard Poképeople out there, we'd check eBay the day after release looking for resellers.