Is this the strangest food delivery ever? An Instacart driver in Georgia received an order for chicken wings destined for a death row inmate. Was it a last-meal request or something more? Dive into this delivery story that's got everyone talking.
Chicken Wings on Death Row
Say you work as an Instacart delivery driver. You're cruising along your route, ready to drop off another Instacart haul, but this time the address takes you to a place most drivers wouldn't expect - a high-security prison. According to The Independent, Instacarter Chrishalea Farley, found herself staring down the gates of a Georgia Prison, all thanks to a peculiar order from an inmate for a hefty platter of chicken wings and potato wedges, with ominous instructions to "See Chaplain Miller for death row inmates." Not your standard take-out order. Social media went berserk after Farley's TikTok video chronicled the event, sparking questions and ire about inmate access to phones, delivery apps, and if this was a for real or an attention seeking prank. We're a little puzzled as to why folks are worried about a death row inamte's app access considering the consumer won't be around to exploit a cell phone when his final day are nigh. I mean we get it - a crafty convict can plan a delivery of drugs or contraban if they are clever enough, but again, the prisoner is on borrowed time here.

The Verdict on This Viral Delivery
Prison officials denied the delivery, leaving Farley with a dilemma: wings or waste? Thankfully, the story has an ok, if not happy, ending. Farley and her family enjoyed the orphaned meal. The incident highlights the bizarre nature of capital punishment and the digital age. Who knew an online grocery delivery could land this driver at the doorstep of death row? As far as we are concerned, no matter his crime, we hope the inmate gets his wings at some point. Everyone deserves one last good meal before they cut their mortal coil, don't you think?