Is Erewhon selling the most expensive ice on Earth? These $32 ice spheres have social media going gaga. Are they worth the hype or just overpriced frozen water?
Ice Ice Baby
According to the NY Post, Tinseltown tipplers are clinking cocktail glasses that have crystal-clear, handcrafted ice spheres in them...that cost $32 a bag! Luxury market Erewhon has rolled these out to consumers recently and it's got the social media buzz blazing. It has people asking why in sweet baby Jesus' name would anyone pay this much for water in crystal form?
Penny Pound Ice
Penny Pound Ice, a California company aiming to elevate the standard ice cube experience to an art form, is who's peddling these globular beverage coolers to Los Angeles retailers as a superior option for your cocktails. You may scoff (we did) and declare them just another overpriced fad, but there's more to the story than meets the ice tray. Let's see what the skinny is about ice that costs more than a porterhouse steak at Kroger's.

Water Worth Its Weight in Gold
Penny Pound argues that your top-shelf liquors deserve equally prestigious ice. Their cubes and ice spheres are crafted with constantly filtered water, ensuring flawless, impurity-free ice that looks more like flawless diamonds than something that should swim in your gin & tonic. Unlike the usual freezer cubes you're used to, this meticulously molded ice claims a slower melt rate, keeping your drink chilled without diluting its perfection. That all said, for God's sake it is still freaking water people! If you have a problem with tap, buy a Brita filter. Use Evian if that's not fancy enough. It would probably still be cheaper than $32 for a bag of frozen H2O.
Would You Buy $32 Ice?
The internet is divided. Some laughed at the idea of paying a small fortune for frosty water balls, while others were hypnotized by the ice ball's crystal clarity and slow melt point. Penny Pound isn't fazed by the haters. They believe even the criticism, is bringing attention to their icy innovation. After all, the more people who know about it, the more curious they might be to try these sparkling, clear ice globes in their next Old Fashioned or Vodka Rocks. We are absolutely content with a standard cube right out of the old fridge, but if "artisanal ice" is your thing, who are we to stand in your way? But again, you're paying for water...just in case we didn't make it clear. It's. Just. Water.
So, if you're already shelling out for a $50 bottle of top-notch Scotch, maybe you can serve it to guests with craft ice balls for blingy bragging rights or just the novelty of it. It's a conversation starter, at the very least. On the other hand, you can buy these fun circular ice trays at Amazon that will make you some adorable fancy party ice and save yourself a ton of cash.