Massachusetts Considers Total Tobacco Ban: Business Sector Believes It Will Affect Sales and Profit

Westminster, Massachusetts is up to address health related problems, particularly those caused by tobacco products.  Moves to implement tobacco ban are brewing among the members of the Board of Health and expected to pass a proposal on this program in December.

PBS Newshour revealed that proponents cited numerous benefits the community can gain once total ban on tobacco is implemented.  It will reduce health risks among the 7,300 inhabitants of Westminster.

Said move was met with conflicting views from various sectors of the society.  A mild opposition was aired by the business sector, citing important concerns on the possible drop in the number of customers and volume of sales because it is expected that those who couldn't stand a day without cigars would seek other means to obtain it.  Hence, customers might be driven away from Westminster and will pour their money in the neighbouring towns. If it happens, sales and profit of local businesses will be adversely affected.

Although it was such a noble act on the part of the Board of Health, negative remarks from local stores whose business ventures are at stake remain strong. The Board emphasized serious damage done by tobacco products to the society, and allowing the sale of such products can be construed as contrary to the public health mission.

William Brangham said in PBS Newshour that the program will ban the selling of any nicotine-containing product in the city, which includes cigars, vaporizers, chewing tobacco and cigarettes. However, prohibition applies only to sales; people are still allowed to use it. Andrea Crete of Westminster Board of Health justifies the proposal as a means to save lives.

The Board consulted specialist, D.J.Wilson of Massachusetts Municipal Association, shared his opinion saying that it is too costly for the state to address health problems which stemmed from the use of tobacco.

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