Jan 14, 2015 12:10 AM EST
High Fiber Diet Indicates Longer Life, Study Says

High Fiber Diet has been found to lower risk to death according to a new research done in almost 1 million people.  High fiber diet is known to decrease risk to chronic diseases including diabetes, stroke, heart ailments and other types of cancer, according to Yahoo News.   

The researchers have found that those consuming high fiber diet were 16 percent less likely to die of any cause as compared to those who ate the least amount of fiber in their diet.  The results were shown in the American Journal of Epidemiology.

One of the researchers, Yang Yang of the Shanghai Cancer Institute in China wrote that people must increase their dietary fiber consumption to lower risk of premature death.

In the study of people about high fiber diet, researchers gathered data from 17 previous researches and collected records of 982,411 women and men from United States and Europe. The study accounts only 67,000 deaths from the subjects tested.

"On average, intakes of dietary fiber in the United States and other economically developed countries are much lower than recommended goals - in the US, about half of what is advised," Victoria Burley, a nutrition researcher at the University of Leeds in the UK stated to Reuters.

In the high fiber diet study, the people who consumed high fiber diet were less likely to die after nine years they have been tracked down.  According to USA Today, an average American eats roughly 15 grams of fiber everyday, where recommended fiber for women is 25 grams and 38 grams for men.

High fiber diet includes consumption of lettuce, dark leafy greens, beans, oats, vegetables like carrots, cabbage and asparagus, and raspberries, blackberries, apples and bananas. It is also good if a person eats whole grain foods such as breakfast cereal for breakfast.

In the study of high fiber diet, researchers have found benefits in lowering risk to heart disease and diabetes. People improve their blood pressure, inflammation, cholesterol levels, and blood sugar levels. Fiber is also best in attaching to toxins thus eliminating them easily in the body.