May 25, 2015 12:50 AM EDT
Chinese Man Arrested for Fooling 17 Girlfriends

The jig is up for a Chinese man who was in 17 different relationships simultaneously. All of his 17 girlfriends have filed criminal charges against him. Besides cheating, he was also taking advantage of them by regularly asking for money, for many years.

Yuan, who hails from Changsha, Hunan Province, was arrested for fraud. 

According to the South China Morning Post, all his girlfriends gave him monetary allowances each month, with one woman financially supporting him for 9 years. 

His deception was finally revealed when all 17 ladies rushed to the hospital after finding out he was involved in a car accident. Ending up in the same room, the girls were shocked to find out that they were not his "only one."

"I've been with him for a year and a half. (After hearing he'd been in an accident) I cried so hard I didn't have any tears left," said one of the deceived girls. "I was really worried when I heard that he was in hospital. But when I started seeing more and more beautiful girls show up, I couldn't cry anymore." 

Heartbroken and furious, the women, who were between the ages of 20 to 40, regrouped online to talk about each of their relationships with Yuan. They named the group chat "Revenge Alliance."

One of the girls is Wang Fang, who also has a son with Yuan. "What can I do now? I don't love him anymore, but I do love my son," she said.

Another one was even already planning their wedding. Xiao Ting even believed he was her "Mr. Right," to which she then found out, that she was completely wrong. 

The women are still putting up a united front against the philanderer. After hearing of his arrest, they continue to communicate with one another, and even changing their group chat name to "Angels".