Jul 30, 2015 10:46 PM EDT
Northern White Rhinos Extinct: 4 Rare Creatures Left On Earth

A female northern white rhino passed away on Monday at a Czech Republic zoo, which leaves the Earth with only four known living white rhinos left, CNN reports.

Nabire, the 31-year-old rhino, died due to a ruptured cyst. According to Dvur Kralove zoo's rhino curator, the rhino's cyst was too huge and untreatable.

"It is a terrible loss. Nabire was the kindest rhino ever bred in our zoo. It is not just that we were very fond of her. Her death is a symbol of the catastrophic decline of rhinos due to senseless human greed," said Premysl Rabas, the zoo's director in a statement.

The northern white rhinos are being hunted for their highly-priced horns, considering the traditional belief of Asians yjay rhino horns, which are made of Keratin, can cure diseases. Human hair and finger nails also have the same component.

The only living male, Sudan lives in Ol Pejeta Conservancy in Kenya. The 42-year-old is under the protection of 24 armed guards. Sudan's horns were removed to deter poaching.

"Sudan is currently old and may not be able to naturally mount and mate with a female," said deputy veterinarian George Paul. He added that the male rhino also has a low sperm count.

Conservationists hope Sudan could produce subspecies with either of the two females, Fatu and Najin, which have lived with Nabire at the Czech Republic Zoo for a while.

Najin, however, has very weak hind legs and may not able to support a mounting male to mate.

"There has been recorded mating between different pairs over the last few years, but not conceptions," Paul added.

Nola, another female rhino lives currently lives in the San Diego Zoo.

According to Rabas, only Dvur Kralove and San Diego Zoo "have enough of collected biological material to do so. We are aware that our chances are slim, but the hopes are still alive."

Rabas added that "it is our moral obligation to try to save them."