Aug 25, 2015 08:00 PM EDT
Airport Food Packed with "Happy Hormones"

Airports generally trigger mixed emotions.  There are all sorts of factors like, flight delays or long queues that can ultimately result to feeling exhausted however excited you may initially feel.  Worry no more; one airport in London has paved the way to keep tired travellers happy.  They have decided to inject some "happy hormones" on their menus according to CNN

Gatwick Airport in London has teamed up with nutritionist Jo Travers to develop healthy dishes rich in mood-enhancing hormones.  According to Travers, "There are certain foods that will help the 'happy' chemicals in your brain to keep flowing. Two key players are the neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine, along with amino acids tryptophan and theanine, which can contribute to the creation of serotonin, known to most as 'happy hormones'.  Low levels of these chemicals can cause fatigue in addition to lowering existing levels of serotonin. Similarly, a deficiency of Omega 3, can lead to fatigue and mood swings."

Restaurants at the airport have updated their menu to include dishes infused with "happy hormones" to put travellers in a better mood.  From citrus salmon that claims to improve brain function to a falafel and fattoush salad that keeps blood sugar levels in check, restaurants are revamping their menus to generate good vibes. Gatwick will be trying out the new "happy meal" for a month.

This approach is being backed by Raymond Kallau, founder of travel website Airline Trends. Kallau believes that the importance of nutrition has been gaining popularity over the years.  Other innovations like FlyFit that offers a variety of juice and snacks which claim to combat fatigue is already available in 50 airports.  Aside from this, there also has been a growing increase of indoor gyms that offer serotonin-boosting exercises at the airports. 

According to Kallau, "Passengers travelling by air often have a long and tiring day that is filled with snacks, and making it easier for them to choose the right kind of food, promoting a light meal instead of one that is high in carbs, will make them feel better. Although one always has to be skeptical about the kind of wellness claims certain foods can bring, it is also an indication how the overall quality of food and beverages offered at airports has improved over the past years."