Mar 26, 2013 05:04 PM EDT
Boulder to Launch Pilot Food Trucks Program in City Parks This Summer

Two years after food truck operators asked Boulder officials to expand the ordinance on mobile vending, a pilot program is being put into place.

City officials said the ordinance was put into place in order to strike a balance between food truck vendors and smaller, brick and mortar restaurants.

Under the new Mobile Food Vehicle Pilot Program for Parks, truck vendors will be allowed to sell their goods in city parks over a 12-week period from June 2 through Aug. 25. Although the bill includes restrictions on operating hours and locations, the vendors are still happy.

"In all, the fact that they're backing us and starting to open doors for us, I think is great," K.C. Slager, co-owner of Verde Food Truck and Cheese Louise Food Truck, said.

The trucks will be able to operate at Tom Watson Park, North Boulder Park, Foothills Community Park, Harlow Platts Community Park, the city's Municipal Campus and East Boulder Park.

The truck vendors also wanted to open up their business to college students around University Hill and the University of Colorado, but both students and truck owners will have to wait a little bit longer for that to happen.

Consumers are also being asked to fill out an online survey to keep track of the results.