Sep 24, 2015 08:22 PM EDT
Nature Valley's Notoriously Hard Granola Bars Will Be Reinvented (Video)

The mega company, Nature Valley, famous for its healthy snack food is finally reinventing there widely known product, the granola bars. The Nature Valley Granola Bars are notorious for their hard as rock consistency, which a lot of people complain about. The healthy produce is loved by many but the only problem is how can Nature Valley not notice how they make the bars so hard. Now they have finally listened to the numerous complaints of the consumers and are trying to make the bars as soft as they can be.

Granola bars are considered as a breakfast food or a snack food that is made up of rolled oats, nuts, honey, and sometimes puffed rice and baked until crisp. They are famous as camping snacks, or trail snacks, because they are lightweight, easy to store and high in calories. Trail mix and muesli are comparable to granola bars.

A fun fact about this food is that it is a name trademarked only in Australia and New Zealand, but it is still more commonly called muesli bar there. Muesli bar is very similar to granola except that muesli is not baked nor sweetened. The trademark is owned by the Australian Health & Nutrition Association Ltd.'s Sanitarium Health Food Company in Australia and Australasian Conference Association Limited in New Zealand.

In a video posted by, 10 Office Food Hacks, it shows one scene where it was very difficult to bite down a granola bar, which you can watch here!

What do you think? Nature Valley is making their granola bars softer or do you like them the way they are now? Comment below which you would prefer more!