Nov 06, 2015 10:18 PM EST
Trending Now: Christmas Doughnuts, The Festive Snack is in Town

Does your Christmas require yet another sweetened snack? We till through Christmas logs, Quality Street, Christmas cake and crumbled pies. Certainly, there's no room for another treat. Try telling that to doughnuts. The fatty circles have been one of the greatest food trends of the current years... and this time, they're coming for Christmas. From chic London bakeries to your local supermarket, doughnuts will be far and wide this December.

The previous few years have witnessed a strong hold of craftsperson doughnut shops and stalls open in London. There's the street-food sellers You Doughnut, baked offerings at Dum Dum Doughnuts, and the swiftly growing Crosstown Doughnuts to name a few. Taking their advantage from bakeries in the US, they sell doughnuts which were stimulated by seasonal additives - like Crosstown's new pumpkin and nutmeg custard number.

Come December, the bakers will be bestowing their concoctions a festive twist. You Doughnut will be serving 'Mince Pie Nuts'. Co-founder Betsy Buckner says that they're newly cooked bite-size doughnuts coiled in sugar, apportioned with a warm mincemeat sauce, whipped cream and brandy-soaked cherries. Crosstown is making 'Mince Pie dough bites' - small pancake balls with mincemeat filling, brandy butter glaze and vanilla crumbly pieces on top; and white-chocolate topped doughnuts with sweetened fennel and a strawberry in the middle as the shade of Rudolph's nose.

Concurrently, Dum Dum Doughnuts is testing with both Christmas-like shapes and flavors - offering a Bailey's crème Christmas piece doughnut (best not to consider about the calories in that one), and a double-chocolate snowman. It's also offering a customized giant doughnut cakes for the Homer Simpson in your life.

Although the festive doughnuts emerging in British shops and bakeries this Christmas might not appear with such rich customs added, perhaps it's only a matter of the moment before they do. Never belittle the enticement of the doughnut.