Nov 16, 2015 09:10 AM EST
Sniffing Rosemary Can Increase Memory, Study Says

If you need to boost your memory, smelling essential oil from the herb rosemary can surely help. According to a published research in Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology, rosemary can enhance one's memory primarily because of the eucalyptol found in the aroma of the herb.

Conducted among a group of 60 adults, the research by the University of Northumbria suggested that the scent of rosemary oil may improve one's speed and accuracy especially when performing certain mental tasks. The researchers told the Annual Conference of the British Psychological Society as to how putting the smell of rosemary in the air has helped people with memory tests.

As reported by WebMd, a few drops of rosemary essential oil were wafted around a room before the participants came in. Findings said that such aromatherapy promoted mental quality to the participants of the study - giving credit to the herb's eucalyptol as well as essential oils' primary component, terpenes.

The process enables the components of rosemary to enter the bloodstream, travel to the brain, and act on memory systems. Likewise, the soothing and calming relief rewards you with traditional and natural therapeutic power, while it also improves your brain and memory functions.

Dr. Mark Moss, who presented the findings at the British Psychology Society conference in Harrogate, said the benefit of aromas was becoming clear through scientific investigation. "We wanted to build on our previous research that indicated rosemary aroma improved long-term memory and mental arithmetic," he said.

"In this study, we focused on prospective memory, which involves the ability to remember events that will occur in the future and to remember to complete tasks at particular times. This is critical for everyday functioning, for example when someone needs to remember to post a birthday card or to take medication at a particular time," he added.

Other Benefits of Rosemary Herb

Rosemary, derived from the Latin term "dew of the sea", has also been associated with other health benefits such as promoting better digestion, preventing heartburn, intestinal gas (flatulence), liver and gallbladder problems, stabilizing blood pressure, and reducing age-related memory loss.

The herb is classified as an alternative medicine for common cold, cough and headache, as a cooking essential (used to add flavor and aroma to your dishes), and as a moth repellent.