Nov 19, 2015 01:23 PM EST
Can Sex Really Make Couples Happier? Study Shows It's More Important to Have a Happy Relationship Than Having More Money

A recent study finds that although having an active sex life is vital for the happiness of a couple, they don't need to go after it like animals do. Those who make love once a week are more likely to be the happiest couple.

On Nov. 18, Canadian researchers have published in the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science stating that having a more frequent sex is not a factor that ruins or spoils a relationship.

As reported by CBS News team, study lead author Amy Muise, a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Toronto Mississauga, said that the findings on their research suggests that couples don't need to engage in sexual activities as frequently as possible but to instead keep their connection towards their partners.

These research findings were obtained from three studies consisting of more than 30,000 people all in all.

With the question if sexual frequency  would affect a relationship's well-being, the findings were not surprising at all, according to Muise. It showed that having sex is good but more sex is better. On a regular basis of having sex, it turns out that it's more important to have a happy relationship than money did.

However, as Muise explains it, researchers haven't found out the reason yet as to why more sex stops generating to more happiness.

In line with this, in order to have a deeper understanding of the said idea, Muise and her colleagues considered the results from a survey that has been conducted every other year between 1989 and 2012 in the United States, focusing more on those responses of more than 25,000 people, aged 18 to 89.

On their second study, they have conducted an online survey to mostly heterosexuals amounting to 335 people.  But it was until their third attempt to study a 14-year survey of U.S. married heterosexual couples where they have finally analyzed their findings.

When it comes to gender, age or length of relationship, however, the researchers found no differences at all.

And due to the fact that the research wasn't focused on proving the cause-and-effect, the findings didn't prove that frequency of sex can really affect happiness.