Nov 27, 2015 11:03 AM EST
Dog Dumped By Owner For Being Too Clingy Finally Finds New Home

Last week, Jubilee was brought by her former owner in a Texas animal shelter just because "she always wants to be by my side."

The Huffington Post reports that although Jubilee may have felt rejected, sending her away was a blessing in disguise as she was adopted by her new owner who appreciates her love.

After her heartbreaking story reached the internet, the Montgomery County Animal shelter began receiving a lot of adoption inquiries including one from Samantha Fewox.

"It touched me. She loved so much," said Fewox, Jubilee's new mommy. "I knew I was supposed to have her."

Fewox felt lucky to be chosen as Jubilee's new caretaker. Now, the 1-year-old dog is happy to live with another rescue dog, Abby, Fewox's mother and her teenage son, whom Jubilee already felt comfortable hanging with.

"She loves him," Fewox said. "She does stay right by your side."

Although Jubilee's former owner appeared a little cruel for disowning a dog just because she was too clingy, Montgomery County Animal Shelter rescue coordinator Minda Emas Harris explains there was actually more to that.

"He had a whole list of other reasons for turning her in: ate his sofa, chewed a baseboard, a cushion, etc.," Harris told HuffPost through an email. "He brought her to a shelter, hoping we would do what we are supposed to do -- find her a home."

Nevertheless, Fewox is just grateful for him to make that hard decision of letting the dog go.

"I am so thankful he made the decision to do that or we would not have this sweet little dog in our life," she said.

Although Jubilee is still figuring out her life in her new home, Fewox said she's more than happy to bring in a trainer and provide her needs.

"I think it'll all be great," Fewox added. "I think it was meant to be."