Nov 28, 2015 08:55 AM EST
Chinese Tea and How Healthy It Is for the Body

Drinking tea, particularly Chinese, can not only soothe one's soul and wake a person's senses up but it is also good for the body.

A few studies have demonstrated that the catechins in green tea which is also known as hypolipidemics helps in lowering down the bad cholesterol in a person's body and at the same time it helps in increasing good cholesterol.

Chinese Tea such as green tea has a high amount of fluoride present in it, which means it is healthy for the teeth, it strengthens and it prevents cavities, though not only green tea has this benefit, all types of teas has a high amount of fluoride.

By just drinking tea, it is possible that the health of a person's skin-health will improve. Traditionally, Chinese doctors use green tea to treat skin diseases, and even skin cancer. Teas contain certain types of antioxidants one of which is polyphenols, seem, by all accounts, to be in charge of evacuating free radicals in the body. Free radicals are known for bringing harm and maturing to the skin if they are in our system for a long time.

The polysaccharides found in teas give the body assistance with fighting off viral and bacterial contaminations. The older the tea leaf, the higher polysaccharides present in it. The polysaccharides is also responsible in having a person's immune activity raised up. They believe that drinking two-three cups of tea a day has this kind of effect in a person's body, though it is not yet proven, it is still worth the try.

Experts recommend that people should drink tea instead of coffee every morning because coffee contains up to 130mg of caffeine while the tea only contains not more than 50mg of caffeine and that teas should be a part of everyone's diet.