Feb 16, 2016 05:20 AM EST
Stunning Health Benefits of Ginger

A steaming hot cup of ginger tea on a cold winter day will keep flu and cold at bay. Ginger the pungent, spicy and aromatic spice is a great addition to your curries and other dishes.

After reading this article, hope you will add ginger to your cooking. This will enhance the flavor and give a new zest to your stir fries.


It is an underground rhizome, belonging to the family of Zingiberaceae. It is a close relative of turmeric.

The pungency of ginger is got from its components gingerol, shogaol, and zingerone.

Health benefits

Reduce motion sickness

Ginger is very effective in reducing the symptoms of motion sickness especially the seasickness. It greatly reduces dizziness, nausea, vomiting and cold sweating. These are the symptoms of motion sickness.

Reduce morning sickness

It reduces vomiting and nausea during pregnancy. You can add ginger to your tea or as drink as ginger ale. Add minced ginger to roasted potatoes. You can add fresh ginger to boiled vegetables, grilled fish, and soups.

Some anti-vomiting drugs can cause severe birth defects. Ginger is safe to use and only small doses are required to reduce the symptoms. It is also very efficient for hyperemesis gravidarum, the severe form of morning sickness.

Beneficial effects of gingerols

Ginger contains very powerful anti-inflammatory compounds called gingerols. These compounds reduce pain in those suffering from osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis.

It improves mobility to a great extent when consumed on a regular basis.

Fights against cancer

Scientist says that gingerols inhibit the growth of human colorectal cancer cells. Thus, it fights against and prevents colorectal cancer.

They are very effective in killing the ovarian cancer cells. Dr. Rebecca Lui from the University of Michigan says that gingerols kill ovarian cancer cells by programmed cell death and self-digestion.

Ginger extracts have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor effects on the cell. Thus, it greatly helps to reduce cancer risk.

Reduces menstrual pain

This is great news for all those suffering from menstrual pain. In a research study, 150 women were asked to take 1 gram of ginger powder per day. They took it for the first three days.

The results were amazing, ginger managed to reduce the pain effectively as the drugs. I hope this is a great way to address the menstrual pain.

Other awesome benefits

Ginger can fight off infections, improve brain function and lower cholesterol levels. It may improve indigestion, lower blood sugar levels and improve heart health.

Bottom line

Ginger can be termed as the superfood. So it would be wise to add ginger to enjoy all the health benefits. Seriouseats provides amazing ideas of how to use ginger. You can pickle it, swap in ceviche, candy it and enjoy ginger ice-cream.

Be creative and enjoy as ginger beer, mescal-mule, and bake lovely gingerbread.