Jun 19, 2019 02:55 PM EDT
5 Best Apps To Help Track Your Macronutrients

Becoming one with your intended diet is easier said than done. There are different methods to fully committing to a specific eating plan. Having a complete schedule in place and incentives is part of it, but the largest portion of this is tracking calories. However this is not all that the body needs. It's not only about keeping out too many calories, but ensuring at the same time you are putting in all the right nutrients.


The complexity of the human body cannot be simplified into simple calorie counting. You must think about what is within those calories and what vitamins are being consumed. When a diet only consists of only empty calories your meals will leave your body wanting for additional nutrients, forcing your body to search for more and stray from your diet. Your body is a complicated machine and requires various fuels to keep everything working correctly.

Eating empty calories can be avoided by tracking macronutrients. Observing macronutrients can be boiled down to determining the carbohydrate, fat, and protein value of your food. Of course every good diet plan will also require proper water intake to allow these nutrients to do their jobs.

And like most issues in today's society- there's an app for that. When a competent nutritionist pairs with a software development company, there are great mobile options for those looking to track their lifestyle and turn it into a healthy one. Take advantage of your smartphone by downloading one of these efficient Macro Calorie Tracking Apps. Let's take a look at the top options.

My Fitness Pal

If a large bank of food information is important to you in this app search, download My Fitness Pal. The selection of food is vast with a million and counting individual items. All foods have the proteins, fats and carbs shown with calorie comparison. This focus on macronutrients is the most important feature. With this vast library you can easily build a meal that includes everything you need no matter what mismatched foods you have lying around.

Carb Manager

The Carb Manager app is focused on finding hidden carbs and avoiding them altogether. This is excellent if you're trying out the Keto Diet. The hundreds of thousands of low-carb recipes included are excellent for a twist on a carb-less meal, and supports variable lifestyles where mealtimes are arranged. All additional features will cost an annual amount of $40.

My Macros+

With the rise in importance of macronutrients, there are many ways to think about structuring diet plans, depending on what your ideals and hopeful achievements are. The coaching feature on this app shines past all others. This will tell you the exact macros in relation to the goals you've put in.

This app is not free, but has a low starting cost of $1.99. The subscription service allows a customizable plan to be modified and reached in a method that works for you.

My Plate

The app will begin with a questionnaire, then give person-specific suggestions of what calorie intake to focus on. Meals are separated on the main screen by breakfast, lunch, so on. With this app you can build a meal that ensures you are getting a proper variation in your meal.

Macronutrients are broken down between the available foods, so you see exactly what you're putting in your body. There is a free version available.

Lose It!

Lose It! has a free version in which dieters can track and view different foods nutrient values. Those who spring for the premium app will have access to predetermined and efficient meals, corresponding exercise plans, and suggested shopping list items and snack substitutes. This is the most all-encompassing app on the list, with more features for no membership fee.

Begin Tracking your calories, and see the real progress of having support on your diet, right from your pocket. If none of our options is exactly what you're looking for, browse the app store and there will be something that can fit into your lifestyle, and you health will benefit from it. Bodies require adequate nutrients and diets require a plan, any of these apps are designed to help you on your way to a more healthy lifestyle.