Oct 30, 2019 04:06 PM EDT
Hypnosis- A Safe Cure For Depression

Hypnosis! Isn't it something interesting? What kind of imagination runs across your brain when you hear the word Hypnosis or Hypnotism? Some of them will be as scary as a hypnotist who controls you and makes you do whatever he or she wants, according to his or her wish. Some think that its black magic, witchcraft, occult science, dark art, etc. Some consider Hypnotism as a non-religious act, practiced by bad people, or some may remember watching Hypnotism in some of the movies that portray the actors reveal their hidden secrets. They projected Hypnosis as a very secretive and dark practice. However, the truth is, the moment you understand hypnosis, you will come to know that everyone knowingly or unknowingly uses Hypnosis and yes even you too. 

As we all know that a Knife in the hands of an evil-minded person can kill someone and the same in the hands of a doctor can save someone. Similarly, any art and science can be used for good and bad cause so does Hypnosis too.

Do you know what Hypnosis is all about? 

It's a human condition involving focused attention in which the person loses the power of discretionary action and attain the magnified capacity to respond to the suggestions and direction. In simpler terms, it is making a person fall asleep and responds to the suggestions made by the hypnotist. It's not a threatening way to control people, however, it can help someone get a suggestion for their problem that they would not have thought of on their own. Hypnotherapy is an adjunct form of therapy used along with other psychological and medical treatment.  

The History Of Hypnosis:

Hypnosis is practiced for more than hundreds of years all over the world. In the 18th century, a German physician, Franz Anton Mesmer is also known as the father of modern hypnotism. Hypnosis was also known as 'Mesmerism' as it was named after Mesmer. He used hypnosis in the treatment of patients in Vienna and Paris. He established a theory of illness that involved internal magnetic forces, which he named as 'animal magnetism' later on known as 'mesmerism'.  In 1820, Étienne Félix d'Henin de Cuvillers coined the name hypnosis and hypnotism. The Scottish surgeon James Braid popularized these words in English by (to whom they are sometimes wrongly attributed) and around 1841.

How Does Hypnosis Help?

Hypnosis can be used to treat different conditions like anxiety, phobias, depression, substance abuse including drugs, tobacco, sexual dysfunction, bad habits and nasty unconstrained way of acting.

Hypnotherapy for Depression

Depression, a state of melancholy is just an indicator of an underlying disease when you have excessive feelings that interfere with normal life. It's a condition where the chemicals in your brain are imbalanced. It's a deep-rooted mental illness that can neither be treated with medicine nor be easily cheered up to bring changes in your life as it affects the subconscious mind deeply and has an adverse effect on the way you live and act. World Health Organization's statistics reveal that approximately 16 million Americans are depressed. This serious condition can lead someone to a hopeless life. When it comes to treating depression, the efficacy of hypnotherapy can't be revealed until and unless we try it out. 

Hypnotherapy can Aid in Emotional Healing

To make your life less complicated, you have to learn how to remove the stress from your life and put it in balance.  Afterward, all areas of your life will gel. A balance in life is very important because when you are challenged by one area of your life, all the other areas are affected. An unbalanced life causes stress storms that obstruct your feelings and dishearten yourself, fear sets in, anxiety swells and leads to depression and hypnosis inculcates positive ideas to empower yourself to adapt, establish and grow in life. No one realizes the actual power of a subconscious mind. Hypnotherapists constantly tap into the resources of the mind. 

The connections ascertained become reality as you gain new understandings when relieved of the constraints placed upon you by your conscious thoughts and a subconscious mind that relies on false perceptions. Hypnotherapy uses the power of the mind for its divine purpose enabling you to go beyond your perceived limitations and allows you to blend into a vast universal world of stimulating, unbelievable wisdom. Hypnotherapy can take you into the past, make you free from harmful information, and retrain or refocus you mentally and physically, thus building optimism, faith, and a solid foundation for future reference. Hypnotherapy works by allowing people to change and update subconscious beliefs for a balanced life.

Helps deal Psychological Problems

Excavating into a person's mind can bring out all the deeply buried reactions towards different situations like stress, trauma, depression, anxiety, etc that are implanted in our subconscious mind. In a conscious state, we put barriers to these hidden expressions by ourselves. Hypnosis or hypnotherapy plays a major role in breaking these barriers to find out the root cause of these psychological problems. Julia Cannon from QHHTOfficial.com explains that hypnotherapy can bring a person into such a deep state of relaxation that they are able to focus their subconscious mind and energy on one specific area of concern. It's a very safe treatment, that can be combined with any other therapy and medication if it is carried out by a trained therapist or a healthcare professional. 

Hypnotherapy is considered as a tool in psychotherapy as the hypnotic state exposes the sore thoughts, feelings, and haunting memories that one wanted to hide from the conscious mind. In psychotherapy, hypnosis is either used as a suggestion therapy or for analyzing the patient.

Hypnosis Techniques

The common method used by trained hypnotists is a relaxation technique. The following are the steps involved in this method:

  1. Come into a cozy feeling

  2. Comfortably lay down

  3. Countdown

  4. Breathe control

  5. Relax and tense muscles

  6. Speak gently

Different stages of hypnosis

Stage1 - Engross attention

Capture and focus the client's attention to absorb attention.

Stage 2 - Avoid critical propensity

Stage 3 - Trigger unconscious reciprocation

Stage 4 - Directing the unconscious to the required outcome

Stage 5 - The outcome

Advantages of Hypnotherapy in Depression

  • It promotes calmness:  As it takes about an hour to complete a hypnotherapy session, the subject is taken into a sense of calmness by the trained hypnotist.

  • Relaxes mind:  The benefits of hypnotherapy are many but very effective in relaxing your mind.  Do you know that Hypnotherapy is a recognized form of relaxation therapy because it reduces the amount of stress chemicals in your body and helps to bring it into balance.

  • Creates a state of well-being:  Hypnotherapy brings the mind to a state of being comfortable, healthy and happy.

  • Increases hopefulness:  The subject is taken to a trans-state in hypnotherapy. The trained hypnotists enhance their brain with all sorts of positive vibes. This, in turn, boosts the confidence of the subject and multiplies the feeling of hopefulness.

  • Reduces stress and anxiety:  Learning self-hypnosis helps someone manage stress very effectively.

  • Correct breathing issues:  During the induction stage of hypnosis, a typically deep and full breathing exercise is practiced repeatedly that helps to correct breathing issues.

  • Ensures sound sleep:  The hypnotherapy session, takes the person through a state similar to sleep, during the induction stage, and ensures a good night's rest after the session.

  • Increase in concentration:  Hypnosis has the potential to improve the general ability to think abstractly. It improves reasoning, enhances the ability to solve problems. It helps identify patterns etc by increasing the level of concentration that is encouraged by hypnotic induction methods. 

  • Improves visualization skill and creativity:  Visualization techniques are used to bring the person to the trans-like state thus improving visualization skills and creativity.

How To Find a Hypnotherapist?

Anyone considering hypnotherapy, as a treatment for depression, should make sure that the therapist is not only certified to perform hypnosis, but is also a trained mental health professional. Before fixing an appointment with a hypnotherapist, do some research and find an experienced and reputable hypnotherapist who specializes in dealing with anxiety and depression. The credibility of the person has to be checked and check for the client reviews and if possible speak to some of the clients to get an idea and feedback about the hypnotherapist that will help you build your trust. The more you trust your therapist, the fewer hesitations you will have about being hypnotized. In hypnotherapy, once the trust is built up between you and the therapist, you will be much more relaxed and comfortable speaking about your feelings.

Concentrate only on the positive changes that you want to achieve. The skeptical approach towards hypnotherapy will result in disappointment. Remaining unprejudiced will go a long way for promoting wellness and dealing with your depression. 

To deal with depression, you have to come at it from different perspectives all the time, as it is a lifelong journey.  Always remember that your hypnotherapist is there to understand and guide you through the session, he does not examine you. You are entering into a partnership deal with the common goal of making you feel better.