Jan 27, 2020 07:38 PM EST
5 Foods To Eat To Get A Perfect Nights Sleep

Everyone wants to sleep well at night, but it seems that so few of us actually understand the correlation between what we eat and how we sleep. While we understand that getting a great night of sleep on a regular basis is essential for good health, it is another thing entirely to understand how we can actually get to that point. One of the key ingredients in making this happen is to consider the food that you eat just before you retire for the evening. Take time to prioritize your eating habits and consider consuming some of the following five foods in order to get that perfect night of sleep you have been longing for.


Not only are almonds delicious, but they also pack with them a tremendous amount of nutrition. In fact, eating some of these nuts on a regular basis has been linked to lower incidences of heart disease and diabetes. This is because they are a great source of fiber and antioxidants. You will also like the fact that almonds have been shown to increase the quality of sleep. This is thanks to the fact that they provide melatonin, which your body uses to regulate its sleep better. Eat a handful before sleep and you will be thankful that you did.


Turkey is a lean meat that is both tasty and nutritious at the same time. You will find that it is high in protein and that it provides a good portion of your daily need for riboflavin, among other key nutrients. Turkey also has some natural ingredients in it that make you tired after eating a few slices. This makes it an ideal food to have just before bed.

Chamomile Tea

You might think it odd that you are being advised to drink a cup of tea before bed, but this is a worthy exception. Camomile tea has a bunch of herbs in it that provide your body with a soothing and relaxing mood that is conducive to a great night of sleep. Beyond that, you will benefit from the antioxidants that are present in this particular type of tea.

Tart Cherry Juice

This is a beverage that has a host of health benefits. Tart cherry juice is known to help protect your cells from a host of ailments that can come its way over time. You will also like the fact that it provides a great source of melatonin. Drink this before bed and you will find that you can get to sleep much easier as a result.


Here is another type of nut that is great to eat at night. Walnuts actually have more than 19 different vitamins and minerals that really benefit your body in a major way. There is a good bit of fatty acid in walnuts that help to promote sleep, creating an added bonus for you.

These are some various food items that you can eat at night when those hunger pains start to hit you. When you focus on foods that will help you to sleep better at night, then you can really start to enjoy the hours of uninterrupted rest that your body needs every evening. This will give you more energy throughout the day, and you will feel much better overall as a result.