Jul 07, 2020 01:09 PM EDT
5 Superfoods You Absolutely Should Try

While the whole "superfoods" phenomenon is packed with hype, there are some oft-overlooked foods that really can contribute to your healthy lifestyle and which are well worth trying out. These range from the everyday, "I didn't know it was a superfood" items to the rather more exotic, as well as foods that were everyday staples a few centuries ago but that are less well-known today.

1. Cabbage

Yes, you read that correctly. Cabbage is a genuine superfood, and so are its cousins. It's just an example of the everyday foods with super-powered properties that we overlook in the rush to get Goji berries or whatever the fund is are currently promoting. So, before we continue with some rather more unusual items, let's use this example to remember that common veg can be loaded with the good stuff. 

Why Cabbage? Well, it seems this common food, and its cousins, helps to build the immune system and may even have anti-cancer properties.

2. Hemp Seeds

Hemp seeds are an ages-old food that fell into disrepute during the (historically recent) prohibition of Cannabis. There's a big difference between hemp and marijuana, although botanically, they are the same species. Hemp doesn't produce THC - or does so in such minute quantities, that it won't produce a high. 

The oil-laden seeds are said to have a multitude of nutritional and health benefits, and it's one of the foods that residents of Bama Yao, China, attribute their longevity to. Worried that you may not pass a hair drug test if you follow suit? You can relax! Drug tests will specifically target THC, and hemp seeds don't contain enough of it to produce a positive result.

3. Quinoa

We may be used to using rice or potatoes as a starchy base for most meals, but quinoa could offer a far better option. Once again, it's a food that has been eaten and enjoyed for so long that we can't say just when people began to use it. We're guessing it goes all the way back to the days of hunter-gatherers. 

While quinoa has enough starch to keep you energized, it's also one of the few vegetable-based foods that contain complete proteins - that makes it a must for vegetarians, and an awesome protein boost even if you are a meat-eater.

4. Pomegranates

Looking for a fresh flavor that's packed with antioxidants? Citrus is great, but pomegranates are even better! The University of Florida reports that these fruits can help to improve heart-health, may have cancer-fighting properties, and could even have antibacterial and antiviral properties. Sounds like medicine? They sure don't taste that way!

As a bonus, those living in areas with a Mediterranean climate can easily grow them in their own gardens - and you don't need more than a couple of spoonfuls to get the full benefit of all that nutrition.   

5. Black Beans

Get a great source of protein plus a ton of antioxidants when you choose black beans as a delicious basis for a wide variety of dishes. Who said healthy food had to be hard work? What's more, versatile black beans can work in a wide variety of recipes - not just soups and stews. 

The benefits? Improved digestion, reduced cholesterol levels, and all the benefits we've come to associate with antioxidant-rich foods. 

Diet and Health: A Link We Can't Afford to Ignore

Processed foods have contributed to many of the health issues we face today. Eating well needn't be expensive or inconvenient, and a balanced diet isn't that hard to achieve. 

From the mundane to the remarkable, we've covered just 5 of the fantastic health foods just about anybody can access. There are many more to add to the list, and with research uncovering new facts about common foods, you might just find your pantry packed with more health-giving foods than you may have imagined.