Sep 12, 2020 05:08 AM EDT
Tips to Smart Snacking While Stuck at Home

A healthy snack amid the COVID-19 pandemic is easy to prepare for anyone who spends their days at home.

Stress with the coronavirus pandemic and boredom, together with limited food choices, can lead to more frequent snacking. 

If you are now feeling the annoyance of running out of a snack, we can help you cope with that feeling. Here are some smart snack tips when you're home all day long. Some of these tips could even help you grow as a person.

(Photo : Pablo Merchán Montes)
How to Make Healthy Snack Still Enjoyable While at Home
  • Determine the Normal - It is common for kids to eat every three to four hours. This routine includes snacks a day. An hour after a meal ends and one to two hours before the next meal, they can eat snacks. Remember that snacks are a stopover and a small energy booster. It cannot replace the value and energy that a regular meal can give. Adults should also follow this normal schedule.
  • Create Win-Win Snack Choices - It is vital to make sure that the snack you offer is healthy. But the kids and even the adults who will eat the snack you prepare must still feel good and enjoy their snack. It consumes less time if you make snacks that everyone will eat. 
  • Maintain Hydration - Some people mistakenly think they are hungry, but the truth is they are just thirsty. After a satisfying meal or snack, offer them a glass of water before eating something else.
  • Organize - You may stock food and snacks within reach of the people who want to get it on their own. However, to make things in accordance, it will help if you organize the food based on their kinds. Having an organized kitchen is also ideal for sticking on healthy choices.
  • Help Stave Off Boredom - Making a creative snack could help you entertain your child. You just have to identify the times when children feel bored, and they try to hit the pantry. Then, you must plan. You can also encourage them to join in preparing the snack.
  • Eating Zone - Aftermath is one of the biggest challenges of endless snacking. Crumbs, wrappers, and half-eaten snacks left behind is a huge mess. To lessen the stress in cleaning the whole house, set up a particular area where they can only eat their snack. It is best to set the kitchen with TV for them to snack mindlessly. 
  • Accept Help - Schools that offer free food for children can give you a hot dish and a bag full of ready-to-serve snacks. Ideas may run out sometimes, but utilizing the institutional food supply chain can be a big help for you to have a rest on thinking about what snack to prepare at home.

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