Dec 01, 2020 03:16 AM EST
The Weirdest Food You Can Find in US

Being adventurous happens even with the food we eat. It is common to come across strange food from different parts of the country, which goes the same in America. 

Believe it or not, every state in America has its weird food, according to Traveleering. Here are some of the strangest foods you can find in the United States:

1. Salted Peanuts in Coke (Alabama)

While it is normal to eat salty peanuts and have coke afterward, they do it differently in Alabama. Surprisingly, they enjoy this combination by mixing the two and consuming them simultaneously.

2. Cactus Fries (Arizona)

Yes! People in Arizona eat cactuses. It is usually deep-fried to give it some texture and crunchiness.

3. Cow Tongue (Hawaii)

In Hawaii, the weird delicacy they serve is cow tongue. Yes, you heard that right! It is a tasty dish but imagining biting down on a tongue makes it massively strange.

4. Brain Sandwich (Indiana)<"> 

There are some parts of a cow or pig that you can't just imagine eating, and the brain most likely is one of those. But in Indiana, a cow or pig brain is placed in fried buns topped with some mustard and served as a dish.

5. Lamb Fries (Kentucky)

If you think this dish is not weird, think again! This dish is deep-fried lamb testicles. If you have the courage to try it, head on to Kentucky!

6. Fluffernutters (Massachusetts)

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Fluffernutter is a peanut butter and marshmallow crème white-bread sandwich. It is then topped with several different sweet, salty, and savory ingredients.

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7. Garbage Plate (New York)

This dish looks like a microwaved combination from yesterday's leftovers. It was popularized by an urban legend about a local student who requested a plate with 'all the garbage in it.'

8. Livermush (North Carolina)

Livermush consists of pig livers mushed with other weird things like pig head ears, snouts, cornmeal, and seasoning. It has a soft and mushy texture, while the flavor is difficult to describe.

9. Lutefisk (North Dakota)

Lutefisk is a product of soaking a fish in lye for an entire week before eating it. It feels like jelly and tastes like slimy fermented fish.

10. Sugar on Snow (Vermont)

A peculiar Vermonter delicacy is a real snow with actual sugar/maple syrup. Their obsession with this even started an entire festival devoted to sugared snow eating.

11. Geoduck (Washington)

According to Food Hog, the penis-like thing that appears in many seafood dishes in Washington is called geoduck. The taste may be ok, but the appearance will make you think twice before eating it.

12. Fried Squirrel (West Virginia)

During the 18th or 19th century, a lot of local hunters would bring home squirrels for food. However, even after centuries, people in West Virginia still eat squirrels and even have an annual Squirrel Fest.

13. Jackalope Summer Sausage (Wyoming)

Food made from mythical creatures will raise some questions. People claim that this is made from a mixture of pork and rabbit meat, plus their internal organs. However, no one knows for sure, which makes it all sorts of weird.

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