Oct 30, 2014 09:10 PM EDT
National Candy Corn Day 2014: Probably One Of The Most Loved/Hated Days Of The Year

National Candy Corn Day - The celebration of candy corn happens mostly on Halloween. Still, the national day to appreciate it completely and absolutely is today.

The funny thing about candy corn is that a lot of people dwell on hating it and other people loath it with passion. So, while many will use this day as an excuse to eat more candy, others will sigh and try to move on.

How did it all start though? George Renninger from the Wunderle Candy Company created these treats in the late 1800's. He did it in an attempt to represent the colors of corn kernels, according to National Day Calendar.

Said colors were yellow, white and orange, originally. Now, there is an explosion of color when a person buys it at any store. The days for which it's especially produced are: Valentine's Day, Easter and Christmas.

Still, in Halloween, candy corn is very present. As a matter of fact, a great quantity of people will go out tomorrow to get candy and return with a bag that contains, among other things, candy corn.

As CNN noted, each kernel contains 7 calories and a lot of sugar with it too. The manufacturers will apparently produce over 35 million pounds of candy corn in total.

"I can pass by the Hershey's Kisses and the mini-Snickers. But when I get to the bowl of candy corn, all bets are off," Samira Kawash shared in The Atlantic.

"Hate! It's like wax sugar!" was posted on Facebook under the thread of "Candy corn: Lovers vs. Haters."

There definitely is a polarized relationship with candy corn. To be completely honest, though, almost every candy that has a waxy and at the same time sweet taste tends to be either loved or hated by people.

Last, but not least, candy corn can be fried! In Oh Bite It, a recipe by Amy appeared in which she fries the candy corn because she can't stand it, and so frying makes everything better, apparently.