Azealia Banks Playboy Cover: ‘212’ Rapper Discusses Racism, Kanye West And ‘Hating America’ [PHOTOS]

Despite being known mostly for its spreads of semi-nude to naked women, the fact of the matter is that, for decades, the magazine created by Hugh Hefner has also been a safe space for many artists to speak out, and now Azealia Banks' Playboy interview provides further proof of the freedom some people in show business feel while talking to the magazine.

In the latest number, Azealia Banks is Playboy's cover, and there's an entire photo shoot dedicated to her, in which she's even appearing topless while "dressed" in cats, as well as showing off her sexy side in a number of pictures - but that's not nearly what's caused controversy for the rapper.

According to The Huffington Post, Azealia Banks' Playboy cover also came attached, as is usually the case, to a candid interview of the famous rapper who began her career by showing the world her music through MySpace to then release her debut studio album "Broke with Expensive Taste" late last year, to great success.

Now, the headline for Azealia Banks' Playboy cover and interview is a taunting one, readying people about what to expect: "Azealia Banks: Hip-Hop's Fierce Queen Is Ready To Roar."

The Azealia Banks Playboy interview, available in full on the magazine's website, sees the 23 year-old star speaking out about the sensitive subject of race, something she's very vocal about, as she says she wants to leave the country.

"I hate everything about this country," Banks said, according to Hollywood Life. "Like, I hate fat white Americans. All the people who are crunched into the middle of America, the real fat and meat of America, are these racist conservative white people who live on their farms."

On the subject of race, the Azealia Banks Playboy interview also stated that she respected Beyoncé's husband Jay-Z the most in the medium, because he didn't try to get white people to like him or respect him, unlike Kanye West.

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