Adam Sandler Defends 'The Ridiculous Six' - Controversy Was A Misunderstanding

The controversy that surrounded Adam Sandler's Netflix project, The Ridiculous Six, was just a "misunderstanding" referring to the recent protests by Native Americans. It's been said that the The Ridiculous Six got complaints for the racist jokes.Adam Sandler stated that the disagreement will be cleared up once the movie is out. 

The comedian Adam Sandler even calls out his Ridiculous Six movie "pro-Indian."

Adam Sandler stated, "I talked to some of the actors on the set who were there and let them know that the intention of the movie is 100% to just make a funny movie," Sandler also added, "It's really about American Indians being good to my character and about their family and just being good people. There's no mocking of American Indians at all in the movie. It's a pro-Indian movie. So hopefully when people see it - whoever was offended on set and walked out, I hope they realize that, and that's it. It was kinda taken out of context."

Adam Sandler's first of the four-film deal with Netflix is 'The Ridiculous Six,' and intends to be a spoof of traditional westerns. But protests hit it last April about the inappropriate portrayal of Native Americans.

Netflix stated so as to reduce emphasis on its importance, "The movie has ridiculous in the title for a reason: because it is ridiculous. It is a broad satire of Western movies and the stereotypes they popularized, featuring a diverse cast that is not only part of  but - in on - the joke."

Adam Sandler's Netflix project, The Ridiculous Six's cast are Will Forte, Steve Buscemi, Taylor Lautner, Terry Crews, Vanilla Ice and Rob Schneider. The film's director is Frank Coraci. Adam Sandler and Tim Herlihy wrote the script.

Perhaps the movie doesn't debut on Netflix until December 11th, Sandler and Tim Herlihy still has plenty of time to rectify the movies tone and will have the right for the portrayal of Native Americans.

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