Coffee is an excellent way to kickstart your day. It is a good energy booster that will surely keep you up and running throughout the day. There are two kinds of coffee drinkers: hot coffee drinkers, and those who love iced coffee. If you are the latter, then this article is made especially for you. We will show you seven amazing coffee hacks that you can try at home. Once you learn these hacks, you will never go back to the coffee shop again, and you will brew yourself iced coffee every day for the rest of your life.
Hack #1: Cold-brew
Hot brewed black coffee can be very enticing, but cold-brew? That is a whole new different story. Not all local coffee shops serve cold brew. If they do, it might not always pass your standards. Make your cold brew at home how you make a black brew, and add ice to it! Brewing cold coffee is also known to reduce acidity to the coffee compared to a hot drink, so it does not only beat the heat, but it is also a healthier option!
Hack #2: Use AeroPress
This hack has become one of the most popular iced coffee hacks in the world, and many coffee lovers love this hack. AeroPress makes an excellent cup of hot coffee, but it can also make a delicious tall glass of iced coffee! Moreover, it is not expensive to fo, and it is simple to use just like a lab tool. Air pressure is good when brewing coffee because it speeds up the process.

Hack #3 Thai and Vietnamese Iced Coffee
If you want to go a little Asian on your iced coffee, this hack is perfect. Every black coffee drinker would think coffee with sugar or cream might cringe just thinking about it. However, for a Thai and Vietnamese version of iced coffee, even black coffee lovers would die for this drink. If you want to have a hint of coffee-flavored ice cream on your iced coffee, you can add a spoonful of sweetened condensed milk and cardamom (for Thai).
Hack #4: It's in the way you shake it
In Italy, their version of iced coffee is shaken, and it is not hard to do at home. All you need is a shot of pure espresso or any strong black coffee and put it in a cocktail shaker. Add a few ice cubes and shake the contents together. You can add sugar, milk, creamer, or anything that you wish to mix in the coffee. Continue stirring the coffee. Once done, grab a tall glass or your tumbler and pour the coffee. You can see a smooth and frothy iced coffee after.

Hack #5 Add a little liquor
If you're up to a crazy little twist, you can try and add a slight hint of liquor in your iced coffee. You already used a cocktail shaker to shake the iced coffee up, so why not bring out your favorite alcohol? Coffee and liquor go so well together, and not many people realize that. The best liquor to pair with espresso is rum and brandy.